Articles on: Tests

How do I administer a test and record results?

Administering tests using the ALTR platform is quick and easy and most tests should take less than 2 minutes per student. Here are some tips to help you test your students efficiently:

Administer all tests for the 1 level at once before moving on to other levels. While your classroom will likely have students at different test levels, it is most efficient to work through 1 level and complete all students currently at that level before moving on to other test levels.
To do this, in your Dashboard, click 'Test Now' on the level that you are up to and then work through the list of students currently at that level. After completing that level, then move on to test other students at other levels. e.g. Those being re-tested.

Prior to administering a test, familiarise yourself with the test, check if you need additional resources (e.g. pieces of paper for writing tests) to administer the test and open your Asssessment Manual to the page of the test, or practice test if applicable. You can also click on 'Test' from the left-side menu to view the test details including the applicable page number in the Assessment Manual and view the list of students due to be tested.

Select 'Test Now' from next to the student's name you will be testing, read out the test instructions clearly and record their responses directly in ALTR by clicking the tick or X. Upon completion of the test, add any negative observations you noticed and any additional comments, click 'Pass' or 'Re-test' and you will then be returned to the list of students still yet to be tested on that same level. Click 'Test Now' next to the name of the next student you will be testing and repeat the process.

Recommended reading: When should I re-test a student who actually achieved a pass mark? and How to use the companion handbook

Updated on: 13/02/2024

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