What payment methods are available?
Payment can be made via credit card (preferred method) or via invoice. After signing up for the free trial, simply update your payment method to select your preferred option and you will be charged/invoiced when payment is due. Also read: How to change account payment methodFew readersHow do I close my account?
We'd be sad to see you go and would love to help you get the most out of the ALTR platform to help improve literacy levels in your classroom, but if you've decided to cancel your account, you can do so by following these steps: Login to your ALTR account and select 'Settings' from the left-side menu. Select the 'Subscription' tab at the top of the screen. Select 'Cancel Subscription' at the bottom of the screen and then confirm your selection. After cancelling your subscription, if youFew readersHow do I get a refund?
ALTR guarantees that every school using our platform properly will see improved literacy levels or we'll provide you with a full refund of your annual fee. If your school has utilised ALTR for 1 year (or more) and you have not seen an improvement in classroom literacy levels, please scroll down and select 'Send us an email' and include your contact details (name, school name, phone number & email address) and we'll be in touch to arrange your refund. If you require assistance to help ensure ALFew readersCan I receive an invoice and pay via EFT?
Yes! The ALTR platform currently only accepts payment via credit card, however we are aware that some schools don't have a credit card available, so in this case we are able to issue an invoice for payment and once the invoice is paid we are able to activate your subscription manually. To request an invoice, please scroll down and click 'Chat with us' and we'll be happy to help get your account setup straight away.Few readersI forgot my password - how do I reset it?
If you've forgotten your ALTR account password, please: Go to https://app.altr.com.au/login and click on the 'Forgot password' link on the sign in screen. Enter the e-mail address you used when signing up to ALTR. Check your e-mail inbox (or SPAM folder if you haven't receiFew readersHow do I log out of my account?
Logging out of your ALTR account is quick and easy: Go to 'Settings' in the left-side menu. Towards the bottom of the screen on the left-side, click 'Log Out'. ALTR LogoutFew readersHow to change account payment method
If you would like to change the payment method associated with your account, whether it is due to wanting to use a different credit card or needing to update the expiry date on the existing credit card on file, here is how to manage this process:Few readersHow can I change my account password?
To change your account password, please follow these steps: Select 'Settings' from the left-side menu and then click the 'Change password' button towards the bottom of the screen.+ Enter your existing password and then enter the new password you would like to use (and then re-enter the new password for verification) and click 'Save' at the bottom of the screen to save the updated password. (httFew readersHow to cancel your subscription
We'd hate to lose you, so if there's anything we can do to assist you get the most out of ALTR, please scroll down and select 'Chat with us' and we'll be happy to help you. If you would like to cancel your subscription: Click on Settings and choose Cancel Subscription Confirm the cancellation of you ALTR Subscription (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/8ed7ad498096b000/altr-28Few readersWhere can I find my invoices or receipts?
Invoices and receipts are available to Principal/Deputy Principal users by logging in to your account, selecting 'Settings' from the left-side menu and then selecting the 'Subscription' tab up the top of the screen. On the subscription screen, all invoices and receipts are accessible by clicking the associated button which will display the invoice/receipt and allow you to download it as a PDF or print it out.Few readers